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A Boy and A Girl
A FREE Teen Workshop

You might know Greg Evans as the award-winning Luann comic strip creator. Evans, a local North County San Marcos luminary, has transformed his massively popular comic strip material into a musical -- A Boy and A Girl.

A Boy and A Girl is about two families on the day their children get married and how all these different people come together to find happiness and love. The two children -- born on the same day -- couldn’t be more different from polar opposite upbringings. The two characters take you on a journey of their life growing up together, but in the end, it is the differences that help them get along. Music and Lyrics by Greg Evans.

Luminary Arts is excited to bring this unique teen workshop experience to North County's thriving teen theatrical community AT NO COST.


Please come prepared for an open discussion/interview about the position you are most interested in, what skills you may bring, and what experience you can contribute. If you have a resume, be sure to bring a printed copy with you or send a digital copy via email. This is a non-equity (pro bono) opportunity.


Send resumes and questions:

Amanda Frawley

Teaching Artist, Production Assistant

Casting Call Role Descriptions

BRET: (20s) Easy-going, a bit awkward, lacks self-confidence. Lives at home while studying to be a dentist. As a kid, Bret spent hours in his room, drawing cartoons and reading comic books. He’s a nice guy, very pleasant, but lacks a life goal. He works part-time at his dad’s construction business while he drifts along, living at home, waiting for his life to begin. He’s always been interested in helping people, so he thinks he might like to be a dentist. He needs motivation to grow up, get up, and get out.

JANE: (20s) Strong, confident and ambitious. Very goal-oriented. A busy Realtor. With the “be perfect” upbringing she got from her pushy mother, it’s no wonder Jane feels she needs to conquer the world. Jane’s problem is that she’s all business, no fun. Her life has been one of focused achievement, not freewheeling adventure and she secretly longs for a few rough edges on her polished life.

SAM: (20s) Bret’s bud; chunky, jocular, good ol’ boy. He owns Septic Sam. As part of a boisterous family of 8, Sam needed a big personality to stand out from the crowd. A prankster and goofoff in school, Sam barely made the grades to graduate. He’s worked lots of jobs, takes nothing seriously and enjoys having a good ol’ time. He’s always looking for the next big thing – his path to easy riches – and his latest is Septic Sam. He loves the ladies – but is now devoted to only one: Pam.

PAM: (20s) Jane’s pal; plain, rather severe, no-nonsense gal. A cautious, careful creature of habit who maintains a simple, organized lifestyle, Pam loves neatness and order and rarely does anything risky or spontaneous. She’s had only one job in her life: Accountant. Given her prickly personality, she’s been unlucky with love – until she meets Sam.

BRET’S DAD: (40-55) Manly, brash, assertive. Owns a construction business. Raised in a paternal household with 5 older brothers, his dad was a successful salesman and avid sportsman, his mom a housewife. Life was full of rowdy, athletic, competitive guy activity; males are meant to be rough, manly and strong so he has little tolerance for wimps. Girls are a trophy to be won.

BRET’S MOM: (40-55) Sweet, gentle, nurturing. Everyone’s Mother. Her parents were often absent so growing up she was expected to take care of her baby brother. Thus, she’s a nurturing, loving, devoted mom. She has little confidence in her own feminine powers and faces every challenge with a sweet smile and sunny attitude. She focuses her energy on producing organic jams, herbal lotions and heirloom tomatos.

JANE’S DAD: (40-55). Nerdy and bookish. A Childhood Development professor, he’s an only child who was raised by two very intellectual, but unaffectionate, parents. He’s reserved, low key and logical. As a Professor of Childhood Development, he’s extremely knowledgeable about all facets of child-rearing – but he lacks practical application. He’s all intellect and theory in eyeglasses, bowties and tweed. To him, Jane is more of a field case study than a daughter.

JANE’S MOM: (40-55) Regal, snooty, domineering. A cut above everyone.
She was raised by a strong, matronly mother who expected nothing short of perfection from her daughter. Growing up, her father was a diplomat who was often traveling. Life for Jane’s Mom was one of lofty expectations and so she raised Jane with the same drive for perfection, power and pretense.

✦✦ NO COST ✦✦
Teen Workshop Important Dates

This is a FREE hands-on theater workshop designed for teens ages 13-18. The show will be produced and performed with guidance from Luminary Arts Teaching Artists and Greg Evans.


Teens will be involved in all aspects of the show -- from set design to performing.


All teens involved will build their pre-college resume with the very distinctive experience of working directly with award-winning American cartoonist and show creator, Greg Evans!


The first step is Production Team interviews followed by actor auditions, rehearsals, and live performances. Schedule your production interview today -- roles include, but are not limited to:


✤  Director

✤  Music Director

✤  Choreographer

✤  Stage Manager

✤  Prop Master

✤  Technical Director

✤  Costume Designer​​

August 3: Production Team Interviews

August 18: Production Team Interviews

Sept 3 & 4: Production Team Interviews

Time: 2:00 - 6:00pm

Week of September 23: Teen Actor Auditions

Time: TBA

Callbacks by invitation and will consist of vocal harmony

and reading from sides.

Interview & Audition Venue: Luminary Arts Studio​​

September 5: Kick Off Production Meeting

Week of September 30: Rehearsals Begin

Tuesday & Thursday: 6:00 to 9:00pm

Saturday: 9:00am to 1:00pm

Week of November 11: Tech rehearsals

November 15-17: Live performances


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